Don’t pooh-pooh the taper week

This picture possibly belies my actual sentiment, but if you look closely you can probably tell I am gritting my teeth.

This. Run. Sucked.

That is probably why I didn’t run to write about it. “Nine miles, SO not a big deal, I just did 12 last week, I am a running genius, I totally got this…” are things that MAY have been swirling around in my noggin BEFORE this run, only to be swiftly dashed into teenytinyyouneedanelectronmicroscopetofindthem pieces. Good thing my husband has access to one of those.

The Ironhorse is on October 11. I get my training group tee tomorrow and packet pickup for the race is Friday. I’m hoping I shook out whatever bugs were in the system. My last long run is tomorrow.

8 miles. I totally got this.

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